Thursday, September 4, 2008

Splelunking. ( Real Life )


I had a colonoscopy. It wasn't as bad as people say it is.

I have no idea what type of pain killers or drugs that they used, but man, they sure worked.

I've been having bowel issues off and on and thought I better get one done, just to see how the ole' tract is doing. I set up the appointment for Tuesday 7am. Their instructions was to drink about two weeks worth of powdered stool softener within two hours and day before and to take some laxatives. We've all had the runs, where you go to the restroom, sit down and proceed to feel like someone is pulling your organs out through your anus.

This was not like that at all. I took the pills, took the powder. Later, I feel the need to have a movement and I go. It was like passing silk. No sweats, no pain, nothing but a smooth sensation. This proceeded for the next several hours every half an hour or so until I had nothing left. Never once did I feel ill or at all weakened, sickened, or stressed. It was a good experience.

So, remember how I said that my appointment was on Tuesday? Yeah they told me not to eat anything at all on Monday. So I did not eat anything from about midnight Sunday to Tuesday morning. About 36 hours worth of nothing but water, powerade and laxatives. I was ravenous hungry that I had my fiancee buy a jug of chicken broth and ate it all. ( It was one of the few foods I could have ).

So I go into the Doctor Tuesday morning, get signed in and I wait watching some Olympic footage. They take me back, I get naked ( woohoo ) and put on one of those robes. They stow my stuff in a bag under my bed. Take blood, etc, a few minutes later they wheel me into the room and talk to me. The nurse tells me she is going to give me something for the pain. It's current 7:10.

I blink and look at the clock.

It says 9:20. It took literally less than five seconds for whatever she gave me to knock me out. They talked to me, took out my IV, and my girl drove us home after we stopped by McDonalds to fill my empty stomach. Mmmmmmmmm, early in the morning burgers. I called them back a couple days ago and they told me what was wrong with me.

Nothing: Everything was clear, your next scheduled colonoscopy is in 2018. Have a good day.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Supreme Cleave. ( Real Life.. kinda? )

So I went to Walmart to try to find Enemy Territory: Quake Wars to play some FPS with my old room mate Josh. They don't have it, big surprise, since this Walmart is in the middle of BFE (B_eyond F_reaking E_gypt ) and while new, is kind of worthless for anything besides food.

Anyways. So there I am, browsing the gaming section when I see Neverwinter Nights 2 on clearance. I played and lost many brain cells and man hours to the original playing online capture the flag on a private very well done server. So I buy it for $20. That's pretty much all I have done for the last few days is break it in, while some of the AI and things are annoying it's a MILLION times better in the story mode than the original was. I'd easily replay it ( only part I hate is in Neverwinter [ the town ] ).

I am going to get my Fighter / Frenzied Berserker up two levels tonight so he can get Supreme Cleave which is going to be sweet. :O

Friday, August 29, 2008

Even Emotes Play Guitar Hero ( Real Life, WoW )

( Real Life )

So I found this GiF while puttering about the internet. How awesome is this? I really never got into Guitar Hero, I could never get the fingering down. I've had that same problem in other areas as well, heh.

Not much to tell in the course of my life since my last post, besides that time flies. It's been over a month since my last entry, which doesn't feel that way in the slightest.

I'll be getting a promotion in December, when we open a new location and the Assistant Manager at my location goes to a different location to maage, I'll step up to his space. Comes with almost no more work, but a larger paycheck. All it will do is change my schedule from Wednesday - Sunday to Monday - Friday. Oh no, you mean I need to take every weekend off?! OH MY GOD, NOOOOO.

The biggest caveat for the job is that I need to get my license. I had a nervous breakdown when I was in my late teens, when I was taking drivers ed, etc, and got driven ( pardon the pun ) away from driving. When I try to drive I get panic attacks, but I need to suck it up and get my license now to get this promotion. How have I made it to 28 without one you ask? All my previous jobs had VERY good public transportation when I lived in Virginia. Georgia is pretty.. bleh. The people around here are assholes for the most part, there's pollution everywhere, and if I see another black ass crack because some want to be thug can't pull his pants up over his ass I am going to pull them up FOR HIM.

Some good things have been happening in the way of my relationship. I won't go into details, but I love you baby bear, and I am glad to be with you.

( WoW )

Well, we've made it to Illidan in Black Temple. On our first night on him, we got him to 21%. We came back a week later and sucked for a few hours, could not get him past 60%. Why? Lots of sloppy play. Almost every Eyes of the Betrayer killed one of the tanks, causing a wipe. People being in the wrong place in phase 3, causing a wipe. We are going back in there this week, and we were trying to speed run through it to give us all Sunday ( 4 hours ) to work on him. Of course, the server crashes when we have Bloodboil, Mother Shaz, Council and Illidan left. So we're going in Sunday to clean up and made a special bonus raid for Monday to finish off Illidan. He will be dead this week.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nothing Important. ( Real Life, WoW )

( Real Life )

Just another day in the life of a serial killer.


It's not just another day.

Passing time at work, trying to keep busy, but I am basically here alone so most of the work I need to do I cannot do because it involves me leaving the office, which I cannot.

My girlfriend said that we need to talk, and that she is not happy and that it may result in her leaving me. When I gave her the time/option to talk she was busy playing WoW to talk to me. We haven't talked since but she has been acting happier lately so things may have resolve itself, but I doubt it. I wish I knew where we stand. I'll have to ask here tonight when we go to bed.

The people at work are getting annoying. Most of the days I am at work alone due to various reasons, and that prevents me from doing much that requires me to leave the office. Then they harass me for being on the internet a lot. I'm sorry, what is exactly you expect me to do for eight hours when I cannot leave the office? Stare at the blank screen of a computer?

The caterpillar is only there because it amused me, and I need amusement lately. I got up the other morning and our cockspaniel had ransacked the garbage in the living room and I beat her ass for it. I am getting so frustrated. The dog refuses to eat its own food, stares at me when I eat, she is constantly scrounging for food but won't eat her own. All of it is my fault because I give her food now and then, but in the house I grew up we had dogs that ate their food and people food. Zelda, the cocker, refuses to eat hers now.

( WoW )

So we're 7/9 in Black Temple now, we took down RoS [ Sad, Glad, and Mad ] and Mother Shaz. RoS is easily on farm now, taking as little as two attempts to get her/him/it down. I am one of the two kickers, and I seriously suggest people get the addon Deaden Blocker for kicking. It does exactly what it says it does. It prevents you, the rogue/kicker/counter from seeing the caster bar for "Deaden". What this means is when it's your turn to kick, all you need to do is kick the casting bar without worrying if its the right one.

Mother Shaz is a shadow resist gear check, and the mats are obtained from doing Black Temple and Hyjal. It comes off as a "you must have raided this much to beat this boss" effect. All in all, she is simple with the gear, impossible ( or close to ) without it. It took us four attempts. Easy Tier 6 shoulders. Not for me. Fuck you druids.

This Sunday is primarily dedicated to the Illidari Council which is our current progression and stop cap. Let's see how we do.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Time Flies. ( Real Life )

I can't believe it's been a month since I have posted anything. That's what happens when your life is the same cycle day in, day out. I cannot believe I have been at my current job for about eight months now, it does not feel "anywhere" near that long.

My dad is getting a personal defibrillator put in his chest in a few days. It's a relatively small surgical endeavor, it requires tiny incisions and hooking some wires to his heart. Basically, if his heart starts to be at an odd pattern it shocks it back into a steady beat. It's the little brother of the pace maker.

My girlfriend is severely addicted to WoW now, to the point where she stays up literally all night, coming to bed at 7am sometimes, just playing. She is on a RP server, and I love/trust her, but my jealous nature sometimes makes me wonder if things are being done which I would not like to know about. I doubt it, but I've got a jealous/distrustful side to me. I wonder if she felt this way when I was up all night in the past?

Mom's birthday is coming up soon, or rather, it would if she had not passed away years ago. I don't like to think about it, even now it brings me to tears to remember back then.

My mom had MS for about 8-10 years before she passed. For a while my family was separated, it was my two sisters and myself staying in an apartment. For legal reasons we could not live with Dad, thank you Jessica. I'd come home from school now and then to find mom on the floor paralyzed from her MS, and after that I started skipping school to take care of her. Several months after that I was sent to a boy's home for skipping school. Funny, I do something to prevent my mom from getting severely hurt while alone and I get penalized by the state, the same state that made us move out from Dad's house where mom was safe.

She went downhill over the years, from walking normally to needing Canadian canes ( forearm crutches, braced at the wrist not armpit ) to being wheel chair able to being bed ridden. She died when I wasn't there, I spent years at home until I was 20 because I felt like the moment I moved out mom was die. Three months after I moved out of state to work my new job, she died.

It's been years, I forget how many, six or seven, and I miss her all the same. Her life sucked, she was in a foster home, was adopted, her family members commit suicide and then she was diagnosed with MS. All I can hope is that she was happier than I think she was.

I love you mom, and I miss you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hypocrisy, and Agony. ( Real Life, WoW )

( Real Life )
So, it's 5pm and I am at work. Why am I at work alone? Well, the asssistant manager is scheduled to leave at 5pm so he left, leaving me with the manager. The manager who has extra hours this week due to some meetings ( the same meetings I am going to have on Friday ) decides to leave early. He apologized to me. I told him not to worry about it, and don't be suprised when I leave early on Saturday.

Well THAT pissed him off, and he went on a rant about how I am scheduled until 7, and just because "he" leaves early on a day of the week does not mean "I" can leave early on a day in that same week. This from the person who gets pissy when I groan when he asks me to go clean up a mess that was made. After I've been at work for a week straight and he just got off a two week vacation, he has the balls to ask me to do extra work above and beyond? God damn sometimes I want to beat the hell out of him.

( WoW )
So, I got a new dagger for my rogue last night. Boundless Agony. It's pretty nice even without its stats, and it cost me about a weeks worth of DKP which a LOT cheaper than using arena points or Badges of Justice to buy one. I already tossed a mongoose enchant on it, and I get to try it out tonight on Archimonde. Hoping for the tier 6 helm tonight, but I have a lot of competition and we've been having trouble killing old Archimonde lately. Out of four nights dedicated to him, we've gotten him two of those four nights, depends on our class make up. Here's hoping.

Lady luck be kind.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Monday, May 26, 2008

Cloverfield. ( Real Life ) *SPOILER ALERT*

Two words.


I rented the movie last night and watched it while cuddling someone sexy on my futon for an hour and a half, and the movie sucked. I describe it as Blair Witch meets Godzilla. I am used to some sort of description of the events, but the entire thing came off as a documentary. Which I understand is the plot of the movie, but I expected a better ending than just the people with the camera getting blown up when they nuked the monster. Not to mention, the monster' source, description, reasoning, etc is never told/shown. Hell they never even tell you if they successfuly drive it off or kill it.

Yes, it had good special effects, but it was boring. It had no plot to speak of, it was just people running around with a camera watching the monster through slight glances and glimpses while finally giving a semi decent shot of it. It was just very, very, unfulfilling.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Cycle of Life. ( Real Life )

I woke up the other morning, and went about my morning. I have some pets, and it took me about an hour of looking at things online, checking my WoW auctions, and e-mail before I got to them. When I got to them, I found one of my guinea pigs had died. She had not been sick, she had not been acting weird. They had no water in their bottle and it was a semi hot night, about 78° or so, it's quite possible she succumbed to the heat but I really doubt it, she was fine on hotter nights. I feel a bit guilty, and sad.

It took me a day to get the time to bury here, and when I my girlfriend and I went out back behind our apartment, found a nice grassy patch and buried her. Sadly I am quite good and accustomed to burying animals, I used to bury a cat every six months or so when I was growing up mainly because we lived on a highway and had a 'lot' of cats.

I keep almost finding myself crying over her death, but it doesn't quite come. One of these days I am going to need to let it come or I am going to have another emotional breakdown that kept me barricaded in my apartment for months at a time when I lived in Virginia.

I'm sorry Lefty.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturaine, and Moding ( Real Life, WoW )

( Real Life )
Why do I always get migraines on Saturday morning? The last three weeks in a row I have woken up with killer poundings in my skull, that slowly get worse throughout the day. I tell myself they aren’t that bad but roughly about noon, after being awake for about three hours, they turn into monsters that have me taking pain killers for the second half of the day. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to them. It’s not like I am going out drinking every Friday, nor do I stay later on Fridays. It’s just one of those things. One of those annoying, pain in my ass, things.

I’ve been leveling a shaman on a role play server. My fiancée bought WoW a few months ago after himming and hawing over it, and we rolled new toons on Moonguard together. We started as alliance, got to mid level teens before I got sick of playing the toon. I went back to my Kargath characters while she rolled a Blood Elf Warlock and went to the dark side, Horde. A few weeks later I joined her by making Mamo Rajis, current a level 46 enhancement shaman. I am leveling faster than most people in the guild but that’s because most people in the guild roleplay “in person” with their characters. Meaning their characters are actually in the same area as each other, rather than whispers or guild chat. This type of roleplay I would prefer to do with how we currently do it.

Right now when I log in, people greet me in guild and in character, even though I haven’t typed an entrance. This goes back to people in AOL role play greeting or reacting to you when you screen name enters a room when you haven’t even entered yet. I snapped at a few people do doing that, because it FORCES me to either A) Ignore them. B) Roleplay entering even if I didn’t want to enter. This is part of the reason I just started ignoring guild chat all together.

I am trying to find some good weapons for him, and I need to make some decisions about his history. At the moment I am treating him as an Atai’li troll. While mostly only found in the Sunken Temple, they are primarily worshippers of the Blood God Hakkar who currently exists in Zul’Gurub. I need to do some checking to see what the name of the trolls that exist in ZG are, I hope they are not “Zul’Gurub Mob Name Here” because that doesn’t really help me.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Horny Friday. ( Real Life )

I know it’s been a while since I have blogged. In more meanings than one. I was at work today, and with the time of year there are a lot of young college students moving in to the storage places to store their items for the three months they are going home for the end of the semester. Some of them are hot. I mean, damn hot. Some are cute, some are worth going to jail for. Technically, none of them are jail bait in Georgia which has a sixteen year old policy. Sometimes I wish I had been more of a horndog when I was growing up. As it stands now, I am on a monogamous (sp?) relationship with my fiancée, we’ve been together off and on for close to seven years. It’s just that seeing all these young teenie boppers gets me a.. raise. That’s a good way to put it, and I wish I had been with some of the cute young things of my time.

I love my fiancée, I do. I just need to accept there are a few things in my life that aren’t going to happen, and banging the #$%^ out of a sexy 80 pound 18 year old college student is one of them. Sometimes, life sucks. Sometimes you get what need, but not what you want. I think that's how my life turned out. I rather have 95% of what I need, than 100% of what I want. A good portion of what I need and want overlap with my life, and for that I am happy.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

For Sharvan.

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
across Northrend's bright and shining snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
on Westfall's fields of golden grain.
I am in the morning hush,
of Stranglethorn's jungle, green and lush.
I am in the drums loud and grand,
the thunderous hooves across Nagrand.
I am the stars warmly gleaming,
over Darnassus softly dreaming.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.


I did not know her personally, and I know nothing more about her than what I saw on her armory. Yet knowledge of her passing brings such sadness in me that I have been weeping for the last hour. I don't know when BRK is holding a running of the bulls, but I won't miss it now.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Want To Buy [Monday] ( Real Life )

So it’s Saturday, and I am at work. Pulling a double because the boss is out of town. One of the employees stop in long enough for me to run and get some lunch, and I buy pre cooked barbeque chicken. I didn’t realize it was an entire chicken, I thought it was assorted bits. I feel weird eating food that looks like it did when it was alive. It looks exactly like a plucked, decapitated cooked chicken. So, I am eating it.

I cracked one of my teeth I recently had a root canal on, fractured a portion of the tooth off.. and swallowed it, without knowing. I cannot express how disgusted I am that I swallowed it. I want to go vomit it up. I have no idea why I am having this reaction, but it makes me retch just thinking about it.

The reason I Want to Buy [Monday] is because this Monday I am seeing my dentist for a cleaning, and a crown for three teeth. If that had happened a week ago, as intended, I wouldn’t of just swallowed a piece of my tooth.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Swords And Serpent Shrines ( WoW, Real Life )


It’s official. If I get a Talon of Azshara in Thursday’s SSC raid I am going to go swords for raiding. It’s no longer worth it to be unique. I am tired of being beaten by a fucking autos winging shaman who bought his way into a 2,000 arena team for s3 weapons. Not only will that make it easier to optimize, but it will remove the need for directional DPS which will increase my mobility and effectiveness, as well as my DPS. Since I’ll build combo points a lot faster, it will be less wasted time from slice and slice being down when I do not get my combo point from my finisher, and stronger ruptures.

It also removes the need to stack crit to help with my backstabs. Does crit help? Sure. Is it as important now? No. A lot of sword rogues would rather have 3,000 attack power and 10% crit than 2,000 attack power and 25% crit. I should be able to get the armor penetrating offhand sword from Heroic Magisters, and the Talon of Azshara. This will give me a baseline to start off with, then I would respect and ATTEMPT to secretly use them in raids to see how my DPS does. If it stays the same, I don’t know what I’ll do. If it goes up, I’ll stick with it. I much rather have 5% less fun, and have 40% less frustration.

(Real Life)
I got to head into work today at noon instead of my normal time of ten. Why? Because I have to pull a double tomorrow, eight to seven ( yes I work negative one hour. Idiot. ) so since I am GAINING two hours on Saturday I can afford to lose two hours on Friday.

The Leech is gone, after having a heart attack at the age of 20 in my apartment. We took him to the hospital when he had chest pains and was screaming about a cramp in his leg. How messed up do you have to be to have a heart attack at 20? Seriously? The good news is with him gone I can go back to free balling it if I want to ( and the girlfriend can once more free tit it, which I likes ) and that when I buy food it doesn’t magically vanish with him going “Idunvohwhathappn!” < Swallow > The bad news is, the Leech ( Also known as THE MAID ) is gone that means I need to start to keep my own place clean. I’ve been spoiled with it magically cleaning itself the last few weeks. Ah well.

I woke up this morning to garbage all over my apartment. The dog that I have ( Zelda, 10 year old Cocker Spaniel ) had gotten into the trash and strewn it all over. Her kennel is currently unable to get into because of some boxes, and she tried to hide in it but she couldn’t get into it. I need to remember to move those boxes so she can, it’s supposed to be her safe zone and we’re blocking her out of it.

So.. Mona wants a cat. A kitten to be exact. We have three guinea pigs ( White, brown and white, brown and white ) named Lefty, Squirrel, and Runt. Runt is the daughter of the first two. So that would give us 3 rodents, a cat, and a dog. Which is not that bad, but we need to keep the house presentable to expect to keep that many animals and both she and I are somewhat slackers on that. We need to set a day when we’re both off to work on it. Maybe Tuesday afternoons when she gets out of class.

Today at work should go by rather fast, with the assistant manager leaving early, and me coming in late, I’ll be here all alone so can sit at my desk and browse the internet all day. Today looks to be a good day.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

4-16-08. Sounds like a Bible Passage. (Real Life, WoW)

(Real Life)
2:00 PM in the afternoon. Do you know where your boss is? I do. He’s in Down Town Decatur. What is he doing? He’s eating lunch with the other employee and leaving me alone at the office. Again. This time it’s slightly different. I told him to bring me back some god damned food. It’s not so much that they get to get out of the office that annoys me, the job is a piece of cake. What annoys me is for lunch I eat hot pockets from the store, and they eat at a sit down restaurant. They do this twice a week. Not once have they ever brought anything back, or offered anything. Seriously, do they think I live off hot pockets when I am work? Do I need them to function? This is not Futurama, and I am not a Robot that lives off of Hot Pockets instead of booze.

I hate comparing gear. I hate it so much. Last night we were doing Black Temple again, 7th in DPS out of 15, so middle of the pack. My DPS suffered slightly because I was asked to watch one of the healers on a boss fight that was a good 20 yards away from me so I had to be ready at any second to rush to save them from a special attack and so could not concentrate on the fight.

Our raid leader pissed me the hell off. Looking at the WWS reports I took THE LEAST amount of damage in the fight, due to the combination of good reaction time and effective use of defensive skills. So what does he do? He calls me out on voice for not using a potion that increases my max health (NOTE: I had the HIGHEST max health out of every other DPS class there, warriors included. Does he seriously think I am going to die by not having 200 more health? )

I almost didn’t take it out of spite. I used one, and then did not use any more. I had brought 10, and because he chose to bring in a bunch of new people who sucked, we died a lot and I went through my stash. Then he yells at me for not coming prepared. How I known he was going to bring a raid of fucking tools, I would of made more. No, I assumed he was going to bring in COMPETENT people.

Each week I come closer and closer to saying fuck it, and going swords. I am sick of the issues I am having with daggers and it’s not worth it. What I am probably going to do, is go swords for PvE and daggers for PvP. Since I have to respec anyways for PvP I might as well do better in PvE. Am I a meter whore? Not really. Am I sick of being harassed because I play something that’s HARDER, TAKES MORE SKILL, and IS WORSE? Yes.

PS: Fuck you.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Four Days Later. ( Real Life, WoW )

Been a couple of days since I last posted, not really much to update.

(Real Life)
The Leech is still at the apartment, I gave him until today to get out. He has a job interview lined up and it seems ( according to him ) promising. I am going to give him a little bit more time to get his crap in order. Most of my friends think I am nuts, but he is doing some good cleaning at the house and taking care of the dog.

We got some new furniture, an entertainment center that is really really nice. The storage place that I work at, we're allowed to pick over peoples stuff if they do not want it and keep things we want before it gets trashed. I got two VERY nice metal wood and glass end tables, a coffee table that goes with it, some odds and ends, wine glasses, dishes, plates, silverware, etc. Also that entertainment center. All in all it was about $500 of really nice stuff to add to the apartment. With the bookshelves and pictures U have ( unicorns, lions, horses ) it looks very nice. I just need to figure out what to do with Leech, because he's getting expensive. He is also constantly stuck on my phone, CONSTANTLY, which still pisses me off. I think I am going to cut him off today.

We went back into Black Temple last night. We killed the first two bosses, we wiped on the first attempted on Naj'entus due to a fellow rogue being trigger happy. The boss puts up a wall of water around him as a shield, and you need to use one of his weapons to break it. When you do, everyone takes damage. Well the rogue hit the wrong button ( we have a macro to use the item ) and it blew up the raid at a bad time, killed about a third of us. Great job.

I did good on the DPS, being right where I should be, side by side with the other rogues. Not bad since my gear is a bit behind. Still debating if I want to get season 2 weapons, season 4 may come out soon. Realistically all I save by getting season 2 gear LATER is spending honor points instead of arena points. It seems my prefered playstyle is not indicitve of arenas ( mutilate ) and I REFUSE to play shadowstep. This may change if I get a decent mainhand weapon which is not a dagger, but I do not anticipate that any time soon.

Even if I do, I would need to practice with it a lot. I have no idea how to play a hemo rogue other than spamming my hemo button, shadowstepping to and from guys, and praying that cheatdeath saves my life. I destroy 99% of shadowstep rogues as mutilate, it just doesn't seem that effective to me. I'll have to look up some easy to get high DPS ( 95+) mainhand weapons. I would really love season 3 daggers, but the ratings get beat down aftet 1750 due to the same shit over and over. Powergaming point sellers, or druid mortal strike warrior combos.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Contempt, and Spiders. ( Wow, Real Life )

So I was running Heroic Magisters Terrace yesterday ( Know as Mr T for some reason, I don't know where the 'r' comes from, and I Pity The Fool that can tell me ) and the item I want drops. The feral druid and I both roll need on it, and I won, I was so pleased I did not even check to see how close the rolls were. What dropped? This.

Shard of Contempt

It's an awesome little trinket, and it replaces a trinket that I have had since I was level 62. It seems to proc pretty constantly, I'd say about once a minute if not slightly more. This item is amazingly ilevel effecient as both the proc rate and the static bonus are very nice.

(Real Life)
So I am here at work today, bullshitting with a co worker from another store who is here to fill in for a few hours for the assistant manager to go to the wedding he had plans for, when he stops talking. "Dude, there's a huge f'ing spider on your shoulder." So I think the guy is full of shit, until he gets a piece of paper and starts swatting at me. The spider made its way down my back and into my pants pocket. The thing was about the size of a penny, and I feel bad for it because it didn't need to die. ( The beating he gave it killed it. ) I don't like spiders any more than anyone else, and I am not like them more than anyone else, but I realize they play an important role in life and I acknowledge their right to live. It's death was far from painless, and I am saddened in my role at its death.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Copy and Paste. Computers, The Lion King, and Swords. ( Wow, Real Life )

Random Talking, Activate.

(Real Life)
So I am at work alone again, dude I was supposed to work with left early due to hours, he's going to Savannah for a wedding. He always seems to go to weddings, about one a month. Probably just some sluts getting knocked up and getting married so the kid is not a bastard. Sorry folks, if you're concieved before marriage you're a bastard, regards of the state of the relationship when you're born.

I am working on this crappy old computer for my boss, it's probably a good eight years old. I reformatted it, added some OS and drivers, etc. He's giving it to someone whose computer shit the bed. It's fine for non online work, but once you want to go online you have a problem. It has an internet connection, a dial up cable. I mean, seriously? I haven't used dial up in close to six years. I guess if you have nothing then something is better.

I had this weird dream last night, the only parts I can remember are something along the lines of The Lion King characters. I was watching what was going on from outside of it, but I was also one of the characters. I had this lioness I was with, and this other lion was trying to get with her. I had woo'd and won her, he needed to back the f off. Well the lioness and I had some cubs, and then it flashed forward in time and I had the cubs but the other dude had her and some cubs of his own with her. I was like "Wtf?". Then she tells me something like "You stopped wooing, he didn't." Sometimes wooing is not worth it.

Never wedding, ever wooing,
Still a lovelorn heart pursuing,
Read you not the wrong you're doing
In my cheek's pale hue?
All my life with sorrow strewing;
Wed or cease to woo.
-Thomas Campbell

So I read the WoW forums today for my guild and they are talking about group make ups. Remember the min maxing post I did earlier? Where I prefer some style and roleplay so stick with my pointy daggers and these button jerkers go with swords? All his formations had sword rogues. Why do I not get any fucking love from these people? Why do I even bother? At this point in the game I need spend some special in game money to get some items needed for a boss. If I did not spend them on that, I could spend them on other things I would want and like. So my question is, why the hell should I spend the items on something to use when I get into raids when I never get into raids? Fuckers.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mental Cobwebs. ( Real Life )

It's Thursday morning, I got to cheese into work later than usual by doing some marketing. I went to nearby apartment complexes and dropped off some business cards, referal cards, and some free month storage flyers. All in a great way to get paid for walking close to where I live, and since it was on the way and I got to go in late, all in all it was a win.

Alone at work at the moment so I decided to toss down some things to clear my mental cobwebs. The assistant manager went to get some food, he's always going to "business meetings" and things in the afternoon which I think is code for "stuffing my face". I am stuck not being able to do that at the moment because of a lack of a car. Hope to have this remedied soon.

The Leech strikes again. I woke up this morning to find all my stored text messages deleted and replaced with beggings and pleadings sent to people from my phone. Every time I feel the slightest sympathy towards him he fucks it up. I am able to recieve text messages but not send them, I never needed to send them so I never got the service. Which means I either ended up getting charged per message he sent or none of the messages he sent got sent.

Boss is back, need to go for the moment.


We’re back.

Where was I… (Reads over what he wrote) Oh yes.

So I went to MetroPCS’ website trying to find any information about whether or not they got sent, if I got charged. Nothing on it. So we’ll have to wait and see.

On a happier note, my girlfiancee and I are going the Ren Fest this month. The assistant manager where I work got some free tickets for going to a meeting where he got free food and listening to people to tell him how to do his job. I’d of gone but I always get the short end of the stick and am stuck in the office. Oh well, atleast this time I actually got something out of it.

And no, I am not emo. I bet you’re one of those people who tell perfectly calm people to chill. I hate people like that.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

WoW Update. ( WoW.. Duh )

I play on a realm called Kargath. My character is a tiny gnome rogue, I stab things, they keel over and die. It's fun to be good and powerful and small.

That's sort of like our guild. We're a crew of about 50-60 people, some play together, some are just there because they are friends and/or family of those that play together. Today we took out second poke into The Black Temple, "the" hardest instance currently in the game.

On day 1, we killed the first boss Na'jentus on three attempts. No loot for me. It's an easy straight forward fight except that every minute he turns invincible and heals, and you need to toss one of his own tossed spines back at him to destroy it during this time. Doing so blasts everyone for 8500 damage, so its heal intensive. Healer gear check.

The second night, tonight, we went in to fight Supremus again. He's a giant blue lava elemental ( fire elementals are made of fire, lava elementals are more solid, think of them like molten boulders stuck together. ) Visual Aid. Yes the quality sucks. Bite me.

All in all, he's pretty easy. Our guild motto is "Tank stuff, kill stuff, don't suck."

Four attempts we had Surpremus loot. I got nothing. Images to come.

Tempted to spend me 4k arena points on some season 2 and season 3 stuff which are bare upgrades... will start buying upgrades when I meet the arena point cap of 5,000 points I think. Highest team I ever had was 1750, had it for about an hour until some point selling mother fuckers beat us down to 1600. Point Sellers are people who power rank other people by teaming up with them when their rating is massively higher. It's like paying a black belt to win a tournament for you against people who have been doing karate for a week. Needless to say, we got ass fucked. Not the good ass fucked either. The non lube, bleeding, flesh peeling and screaming ass fucked.

Day 1 Point 8. Little over an hour left. ( WoW, Real Life )


Still at work alone, but I get to leave here in about an hour. Tonight when I get home I get to prep myself for the new Sunwell instance in WoW. That is if I am even chosen. It's getting to the point where I am tired of being chosen, because I only ever get chosen to go on shit that I do not need. Example: Tonight, we're probably going to spend all night dying to the trash and the first boss, and not get shit out of it. I am below geared compared to the other min maxers who usually get chosen over me, so I get to go on the dumb shit and not on the shit that would get me better gear to attempt to catch up. What a crock.

Back in one second. Checking out PhP to see if I am even going. Yup. Pretty worthless for me to go, so I was chosen. Lovely. Don't you love how life works?

(Real Life)
I need to go to the damn store before I go home but I doubt I'll have time, and I bet The Leech ( From now on the person staying with me shall be known as this ) has eaten the majority of the stuff I wanted to eat for dinner. He cannot leave the house because we do not have an extra key to give him, and he cannot contact anyone while I am out of the house. This is again because he does not have a working cellphone so wants to suck minutes off mine.

His sister was killed or died or something less than a week ago, my girlfriend knew and I didn't. Why didn't he tell me? Quote "Not like he'll care." He's right, I don't. Yes, it sucks. Yes, I am sorry for this loss. That does not change anything. He is still gone on the 10th, I want my goddamned life back without having everything I buy munched and things I own destroyed ( see my girlfriends computer with OVER 200 FUCKING VIRUSES ON IT ) as an example of what I mean by that comment.

I need to get off my ass and get my license again. No, you did not misread that. I am almost 28 and do not have my license. Why? I had a nervous breakdown when I was 23 and turned agoraphobic (Agoraphobia) so could not leave my apartment. This cost me my job, as well as most of my money and my sanity. I still have no fully recovered, and as part my license expired and my new phobia of driving kept me from getting it back. Lately I've had the urge to start driving again, and I need to get it for work so I don't come off as a total loser in life.

Side track --> Girlfriend.
We're semi engaged. I have her a promise ring about a year ago. I want to stop being a total fucking nutcase before I make it official. She also needs to get her finances a bit more in order. She has a full time job, we just need to work on her money management and spending habits. ( Mental note, talk to her about it tonight. ) As well as I want to make sure I can drive before we get married. It's just something I need to do, I do not feel like a true responsible adult when I cannot even drive a car.

We're back <-- kcart ediS
Done for the moment, I need to start getting ready for closing at work.

This picture made me laugh.

Day 1. Let the venting begin.

It’s another day at work, alone. Alone you may ask? Let me explain. I work at a storage facility in Decatur Georgia. It’s oh, about 5-10 minutes outside of Atlanta. Yes, Atlanta, not “ATL” I am not some loser rapper or hip hopper thus I do not feel the need to acronym it as thought it means something. No one ever says “I am from ‘N’ ‘Y’.” They say New York. “I am from ‘P’ ‘A’.” It’s Pennsylvania. Anyways, I digress..

I am here alone, because again the other person I am supposed to work with is over hours due to crappy scheduling. Our boss is on vacation ( his 80+ year old mom is down here visiting him and he’s a mamma’s boy ) so he took the week off. This made the assistant manager go over hours, though I fail to see how. He works two days for 12 hours, that’s 24 hours out of 40. That leaves 16 hours left for 3 days. That’s just over 5 hours a day. He gets here at 8, so in theory he should leave at 2 each day. Yet he leaves at about 10. Why? He does lots of marketing and things that he “gets paid for even when he is not at work.” Such crap.

I play Word of Warcraft. I have for a few years now, sometimes it’s just a time sink, sometimes I enjoy. Lately, I’ve been enjoying it less. People in it are starting to piss me off. I prefer to play my character a certain way, it fits my image of my character. The problem is the way I play is not a min maxer build. ( From Wikipedia “Min-maxing is the practice of playing role playing game for the intent of creating the "best" character by means of minimizing undesired or unimportant traits and maximizing desired ones. This is usually accomplished by improving one specific trait or ability by sacrificing ability in all other fields.”) This also refers to stats that are randomly generated, and you keep resetting the game when you level up to get the best stats each and every level. See “powergaming”.

Basically because I have a view of my character, a style, roleplay, whatever you want to call it, I refuse to do certain things with my character. This include the use and disuse of certain weapons. Due to my choices, and me not min maxing, I am being left out of groups and runs that I would otherwise be in. Since I have played with these people for a long time, and now I am starting to be left out, it’s pissing me off. I am debating sacrificing myself for the sake of acceptance and allowance into things for the game. At that point, I might as well quit. If I cannot be me, and do what I want to, I won’t do any of it.

My girlfriend recently got into World of Warcraft ( refered to as WoW from here on ) and she is started to play it a lot. She is okay at it, typical newb, but she just started playing so she IS new. I try to help her but I need to find the right amount of “thanks for helping me” so it doesn’t turn into the “now you’re starting to annoy me”. So far I am bad at knowing where the line is drawn.

We started out playing together, but I got sick of the elf area where we were playing. I wanted to move on, but she and I started playing at odd times so we couldn’t move on easily together. She is having computer problems ( part of which is caused by someone we are letting stay with us jerking off to porn on it and getting viruses on it. More on this later. ) which is preventing us from playing together at all. I am looking for something else to occupy my time. Be it a game, activity, etc, but at the moment I am just mentally drowning and need a release. Maybe this is it.

So this guy that is staying with us. He’s 20, black ( not that that matters ) and got kicked out of his parents house. Why he is still living with his parents at 20, I have no idea. It was my girlfriend’s idea for him to stay with us, she is a kind person, I was not happy but allowed it because I know the guy.

Over a year ago I used to work at this pet shop, it was a pain in the ass and the company sucked, we went through new staff on a monthly basis. Anyways, this person worked there with me, I was his boss and he did a good enough job at first but then slacked off and was fired.

So now he’s staying with me. He keeps doing things which piss me off to no end. His phone got turned off so he uses mine, using my minutes, I “constantly” find him on my phone without permission even though I stated he HAS TO ASK to use my fucking phone. I gave him a week to get out. The week ends on 4/10. I am going to kick him out sooner if he doesn’t stop eating all my shit I want to eat and using up my minutes. He doesn’t even have money for food of his own. Which is fine, I can spare him some food, but what pisses me off is when I go to eat something specific and it’s gone EVEN THOUGH I HID IT. If not for my girlfriend, he’d of been on the street the second day.