Wednesday, April 16, 2008

4-16-08. Sounds like a Bible Passage. (Real Life, WoW)

(Real Life)
2:00 PM in the afternoon. Do you know where your boss is? I do. He’s in Down Town Decatur. What is he doing? He’s eating lunch with the other employee and leaving me alone at the office. Again. This time it’s slightly different. I told him to bring me back some god damned food. It’s not so much that they get to get out of the office that annoys me, the job is a piece of cake. What annoys me is for lunch I eat hot pockets from the store, and they eat at a sit down restaurant. They do this twice a week. Not once have they ever brought anything back, or offered anything. Seriously, do they think I live off hot pockets when I am work? Do I need them to function? This is not Futurama, and I am not a Robot that lives off of Hot Pockets instead of booze.

I hate comparing gear. I hate it so much. Last night we were doing Black Temple again, 7th in DPS out of 15, so middle of the pack. My DPS suffered slightly because I was asked to watch one of the healers on a boss fight that was a good 20 yards away from me so I had to be ready at any second to rush to save them from a special attack and so could not concentrate on the fight.

Our raid leader pissed me the hell off. Looking at the WWS reports I took THE LEAST amount of damage in the fight, due to the combination of good reaction time and effective use of defensive skills. So what does he do? He calls me out on voice for not using a potion that increases my max health (NOTE: I had the HIGHEST max health out of every other DPS class there, warriors included. Does he seriously think I am going to die by not having 200 more health? )

I almost didn’t take it out of spite. I used one, and then did not use any more. I had brought 10, and because he chose to bring in a bunch of new people who sucked, we died a lot and I went through my stash. Then he yells at me for not coming prepared. How I known he was going to bring a raid of fucking tools, I would of made more. No, I assumed he was going to bring in COMPETENT people.

Each week I come closer and closer to saying fuck it, and going swords. I am sick of the issues I am having with daggers and it’s not worth it. What I am probably going to do, is go swords for PvE and daggers for PvP. Since I have to respec anyways for PvP I might as well do better in PvE. Am I a meter whore? Not really. Am I sick of being harassed because I play something that’s HARDER, TAKES MORE SKILL, and IS WORSE? Yes.

PS: Fuck you.

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