Saturday, April 19, 2008

Want To Buy [Monday] ( Real Life )

So it’s Saturday, and I am at work. Pulling a double because the boss is out of town. One of the employees stop in long enough for me to run and get some lunch, and I buy pre cooked barbeque chicken. I didn’t realize it was an entire chicken, I thought it was assorted bits. I feel weird eating food that looks like it did when it was alive. It looks exactly like a plucked, decapitated cooked chicken. So, I am eating it.

I cracked one of my teeth I recently had a root canal on, fractured a portion of the tooth off.. and swallowed it, without knowing. I cannot express how disgusted I am that I swallowed it. I want to go vomit it up. I have no idea why I am having this reaction, but it makes me retch just thinking about it.

The reason I Want to Buy [Monday] is because this Monday I am seeing my dentist for a cleaning, and a crown for three teeth. If that had happened a week ago, as intended, I wouldn’t of just swallowed a piece of my tooth.


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