Wednesday, April 2, 2008

WoW Update. ( WoW.. Duh )

I play on a realm called Kargath. My character is a tiny gnome rogue, I stab things, they keel over and die. It's fun to be good and powerful and small.

That's sort of like our guild. We're a crew of about 50-60 people, some play together, some are just there because they are friends and/or family of those that play together. Today we took out second poke into The Black Temple, "the" hardest instance currently in the game.

On day 1, we killed the first boss Na'jentus on three attempts. No loot for me. It's an easy straight forward fight except that every minute he turns invincible and heals, and you need to toss one of his own tossed spines back at him to destroy it during this time. Doing so blasts everyone for 8500 damage, so its heal intensive. Healer gear check.

The second night, tonight, we went in to fight Supremus again. He's a giant blue lava elemental ( fire elementals are made of fire, lava elementals are more solid, think of them like molten boulders stuck together. ) Visual Aid. Yes the quality sucks. Bite me.

All in all, he's pretty easy. Our guild motto is "Tank stuff, kill stuff, don't suck."

Four attempts we had Surpremus loot. I got nothing. Images to come.

Tempted to spend me 4k arena points on some season 2 and season 3 stuff which are bare upgrades... will start buying upgrades when I meet the arena point cap of 5,000 points I think. Highest team I ever had was 1750, had it for about an hour until some point selling mother fuckers beat us down to 1600. Point Sellers are people who power rank other people by teaming up with them when their rating is massively higher. It's like paying a black belt to win a tournament for you against people who have been doing karate for a week. Needless to say, we got ass fucked. Not the good ass fucked either. The non lube, bleeding, flesh peeling and screaming ass fucked.

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