Friday, April 4, 2008

Copy and Paste. Computers, The Lion King, and Swords. ( Wow, Real Life )

Random Talking, Activate.

(Real Life)
So I am at work alone again, dude I was supposed to work with left early due to hours, he's going to Savannah for a wedding. He always seems to go to weddings, about one a month. Probably just some sluts getting knocked up and getting married so the kid is not a bastard. Sorry folks, if you're concieved before marriage you're a bastard, regards of the state of the relationship when you're born.

I am working on this crappy old computer for my boss, it's probably a good eight years old. I reformatted it, added some OS and drivers, etc. He's giving it to someone whose computer shit the bed. It's fine for non online work, but once you want to go online you have a problem. It has an internet connection, a dial up cable. I mean, seriously? I haven't used dial up in close to six years. I guess if you have nothing then something is better.

I had this weird dream last night, the only parts I can remember are something along the lines of The Lion King characters. I was watching what was going on from outside of it, but I was also one of the characters. I had this lioness I was with, and this other lion was trying to get with her. I had woo'd and won her, he needed to back the f off. Well the lioness and I had some cubs, and then it flashed forward in time and I had the cubs but the other dude had her and some cubs of his own with her. I was like "Wtf?". Then she tells me something like "You stopped wooing, he didn't." Sometimes wooing is not worth it.

Never wedding, ever wooing,
Still a lovelorn heart pursuing,
Read you not the wrong you're doing
In my cheek's pale hue?
All my life with sorrow strewing;
Wed or cease to woo.
-Thomas Campbell

So I read the WoW forums today for my guild and they are talking about group make ups. Remember the min maxing post I did earlier? Where I prefer some style and roleplay so stick with my pointy daggers and these button jerkers go with swords? All his formations had sword rogues. Why do I not get any fucking love from these people? Why do I even bother? At this point in the game I need spend some special in game money to get some items needed for a boss. If I did not spend them on that, I could spend them on other things I would want and like. So my question is, why the hell should I spend the items on something to use when I get into raids when I never get into raids? Fuckers.

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