Saturday, April 5, 2008

Contempt, and Spiders. ( Wow, Real Life )

So I was running Heroic Magisters Terrace yesterday ( Know as Mr T for some reason, I don't know where the 'r' comes from, and I Pity The Fool that can tell me ) and the item I want drops. The feral druid and I both roll need on it, and I won, I was so pleased I did not even check to see how close the rolls were. What dropped? This.

Shard of Contempt

It's an awesome little trinket, and it replaces a trinket that I have had since I was level 62. It seems to proc pretty constantly, I'd say about once a minute if not slightly more. This item is amazingly ilevel effecient as both the proc rate and the static bonus are very nice.

(Real Life)
So I am here at work today, bullshitting with a co worker from another store who is here to fill in for a few hours for the assistant manager to go to the wedding he had plans for, when he stops talking. "Dude, there's a huge f'ing spider on your shoulder." So I think the guy is full of shit, until he gets a piece of paper and starts swatting at me. The spider made its way down my back and into my pants pocket. The thing was about the size of a penny, and I feel bad for it because it didn't need to die. ( The beating he gave it killed it. ) I don't like spiders any more than anyone else, and I am not like them more than anyone else, but I realize they play an important role in life and I acknowledge their right to live. It's death was far from painless, and I am saddened in my role at its death.

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