Friday, April 18, 2008

Swords And Serpent Shrines ( WoW, Real Life )


It’s official. If I get a Talon of Azshara in Thursday’s SSC raid I am going to go swords for raiding. It’s no longer worth it to be unique. I am tired of being beaten by a fucking autos winging shaman who bought his way into a 2,000 arena team for s3 weapons. Not only will that make it easier to optimize, but it will remove the need for directional DPS which will increase my mobility and effectiveness, as well as my DPS. Since I’ll build combo points a lot faster, it will be less wasted time from slice and slice being down when I do not get my combo point from my finisher, and stronger ruptures.

It also removes the need to stack crit to help with my backstabs. Does crit help? Sure. Is it as important now? No. A lot of sword rogues would rather have 3,000 attack power and 10% crit than 2,000 attack power and 25% crit. I should be able to get the armor penetrating offhand sword from Heroic Magisters, and the Talon of Azshara. This will give me a baseline to start off with, then I would respect and ATTEMPT to secretly use them in raids to see how my DPS does. If it stays the same, I don’t know what I’ll do. If it goes up, I’ll stick with it. I much rather have 5% less fun, and have 40% less frustration.

(Real Life)
I got to head into work today at noon instead of my normal time of ten. Why? Because I have to pull a double tomorrow, eight to seven ( yes I work negative one hour. Idiot. ) so since I am GAINING two hours on Saturday I can afford to lose two hours on Friday.

The Leech is gone, after having a heart attack at the age of 20 in my apartment. We took him to the hospital when he had chest pains and was screaming about a cramp in his leg. How messed up do you have to be to have a heart attack at 20? Seriously? The good news is with him gone I can go back to free balling it if I want to ( and the girlfriend can once more free tit it, which I likes ) and that when I buy food it doesn’t magically vanish with him going “Idunvohwhathappn!” < Swallow > The bad news is, the Leech ( Also known as THE MAID ) is gone that means I need to start to keep my own place clean. I’ve been spoiled with it magically cleaning itself the last few weeks. Ah well.

I woke up this morning to garbage all over my apartment. The dog that I have ( Zelda, 10 year old Cocker Spaniel ) had gotten into the trash and strewn it all over. Her kennel is currently unable to get into because of some boxes, and she tried to hide in it but she couldn’t get into it. I need to remember to move those boxes so she can, it’s supposed to be her safe zone and we’re blocking her out of it.

So.. Mona wants a cat. A kitten to be exact. We have three guinea pigs ( White, brown and white, brown and white ) named Lefty, Squirrel, and Runt. Runt is the daughter of the first two. So that would give us 3 rodents, a cat, and a dog. Which is not that bad, but we need to keep the house presentable to expect to keep that many animals and both she and I are somewhat slackers on that. We need to set a day when we’re both off to work on it. Maybe Tuesday afternoons when she gets out of class.

Today at work should go by rather fast, with the assistant manager leaving early, and me coming in late, I’ll be here all alone so can sit at my desk and browse the internet all day. Today looks to be a good day.

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