Saturday, May 10, 2008

Horny Friday. ( Real Life )

I know it’s been a while since I have blogged. In more meanings than one. I was at work today, and with the time of year there are a lot of young college students moving in to the storage places to store their items for the three months they are going home for the end of the semester. Some of them are hot. I mean, damn hot. Some are cute, some are worth going to jail for. Technically, none of them are jail bait in Georgia which has a sixteen year old policy. Sometimes I wish I had been more of a horndog when I was growing up. As it stands now, I am on a monogamous (sp?) relationship with my fiancée, we’ve been together off and on for close to seven years. It’s just that seeing all these young teenie boppers gets me a.. raise. That’s a good way to put it, and I wish I had been with some of the cute young things of my time.

I love my fiancée, I do. I just need to accept there are a few things in my life that aren’t going to happen, and banging the #$%^ out of a sexy 80 pound 18 year old college student is one of them. Sometimes, life sucks. Sometimes you get what need, but not what you want. I think that's how my life turned out. I rather have 95% of what I need, than 100% of what I want. A good portion of what I need and want overlap with my life, and for that I am happy.

1 comment:

Flourish Art Therapist said...

Acceptance is a good thing. I shake my head at some people who may have actually believed their wives are into women, then try to convince them to have a threesome and be surprised they won't do it. Hmm what was my point? My point with that is, monogamous relationships means no sex with anyone else so acceptance is good.