Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturaine, and Moding ( Real Life, WoW )

( Real Life )
Why do I always get migraines on Saturday morning? The last three weeks in a row I have woken up with killer poundings in my skull, that slowly get worse throughout the day. I tell myself they aren’t that bad but roughly about noon, after being awake for about three hours, they turn into monsters that have me taking pain killers for the second half of the day. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to them. It’s not like I am going out drinking every Friday, nor do I stay later on Fridays. It’s just one of those things. One of those annoying, pain in my ass, things.

I’ve been leveling a shaman on a role play server. My fiancĂ©e bought WoW a few months ago after himming and hawing over it, and we rolled new toons on Moonguard together. We started as alliance, got to mid level teens before I got sick of playing the toon. I went back to my Kargath characters while she rolled a Blood Elf Warlock and went to the dark side, Horde. A few weeks later I joined her by making Mamo Rajis, current a level 46 enhancement shaman. I am leveling faster than most people in the guild but that’s because most people in the guild roleplay “in person” with their characters. Meaning their characters are actually in the same area as each other, rather than whispers or guild chat. This type of roleplay I would prefer to do with how we currently do it.

Right now when I log in, people greet me in guild and in character, even though I haven’t typed an entrance. This goes back to people in AOL role play greeting or reacting to you when you screen name enters a room when you haven’t even entered yet. I snapped at a few people do doing that, because it FORCES me to either A) Ignore them. B) Roleplay entering even if I didn’t want to enter. This is part of the reason I just started ignoring guild chat all together.

I am trying to find some good weapons for him, and I need to make some decisions about his history. At the moment I am treating him as an Atai’li troll. While mostly only found in the Sunken Temple, they are primarily worshippers of the Blood God Hakkar who currently exists in Zul’Gurub. I need to do some checking to see what the name of the trolls that exist in ZG are, I hope they are not “Zul’Gurub Mob Name Here” because that doesn’t really help me.

1 comment:

Flourish Art Therapist said...

This is unrelated to your post but I remembered something that Racknir said. He said, "I wouldn't trade Spree for anything else in the world." I thought I mention it before I forget.