Thursday, February 19, 2009


Today was a turning point, or sorts. I drove to work while alone in the car. Yup, the lovely girlfriend/fiancĂ© was not present and I was alone behind the wheel. Nothing really special occurred; it was just the first time I’ve really driven while alone. I didn’t have someone to ask little questions to like ‘Am I supposed to stop here?’ ‘Can I turn on this light?’ etc.

The good news is that I made it to work safely, and hopefully home tonight. The bad news is that I hate night driving, and need to drive home tonight alone. Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

Good Luck!

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Hope you make it. I hate driving at night since I am blind as a bat then.
Hint: squinting and gripping the steering wheel so tightly your hands hurt helps.