Friday, August 29, 2008

Even Emotes Play Guitar Hero ( Real Life, WoW )

( Real Life )

So I found this GiF while puttering about the internet. How awesome is this? I really never got into Guitar Hero, I could never get the fingering down. I've had that same problem in other areas as well, heh.

Not much to tell in the course of my life since my last post, besides that time flies. It's been over a month since my last entry, which doesn't feel that way in the slightest.

I'll be getting a promotion in December, when we open a new location and the Assistant Manager at my location goes to a different location to maage, I'll step up to his space. Comes with almost no more work, but a larger paycheck. All it will do is change my schedule from Wednesday - Sunday to Monday - Friday. Oh no, you mean I need to take every weekend off?! OH MY GOD, NOOOOO.

The biggest caveat for the job is that I need to get my license. I had a nervous breakdown when I was in my late teens, when I was taking drivers ed, etc, and got driven ( pardon the pun ) away from driving. When I try to drive I get panic attacks, but I need to suck it up and get my license now to get this promotion. How have I made it to 28 without one you ask? All my previous jobs had VERY good public transportation when I lived in Virginia. Georgia is pretty.. bleh. The people around here are assholes for the most part, there's pollution everywhere, and if I see another black ass crack because some want to be thug can't pull his pants up over his ass I am going to pull them up FOR HIM.

Some good things have been happening in the way of my relationship. I won't go into details, but I love you baby bear, and I am glad to be with you.

( WoW )

Well, we've made it to Illidan in Black Temple. On our first night on him, we got him to 21%. We came back a week later and sucked for a few hours, could not get him past 60%. Why? Lots of sloppy play. Almost every Eyes of the Betrayer killed one of the tanks, causing a wipe. People being in the wrong place in phase 3, causing a wipe. We are going back in there this week, and we were trying to speed run through it to give us all Sunday ( 4 hours ) to work on him. Of course, the server crashes when we have Bloodboil, Mother Shaz, Council and Illidan left. So we're going in Sunday to clean up and made a special bonus raid for Monday to finish off Illidan. He will be dead this week.

1 comment:

M. Aaron Smith said...

Don't pull up their pants for them. They don't like it.