Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nothing Important. ( Real Life, WoW )

( Real Life )

Just another day in the life of a serial killer.


It's not just another day.

Passing time at work, trying to keep busy, but I am basically here alone so most of the work I need to do I cannot do because it involves me leaving the office, which I cannot.

My girlfriend said that we need to talk, and that she is not happy and that it may result in her leaving me. When I gave her the time/option to talk she was busy playing WoW to talk to me. We haven't talked since but she has been acting happier lately so things may have resolve itself, but I doubt it. I wish I knew where we stand. I'll have to ask here tonight when we go to bed.

The people at work are getting annoying. Most of the days I am at work alone due to various reasons, and that prevents me from doing much that requires me to leave the office. Then they harass me for being on the internet a lot. I'm sorry, what is exactly you expect me to do for eight hours when I cannot leave the office? Stare at the blank screen of a computer?

The caterpillar is only there because it amused me, and I need amusement lately. I got up the other morning and our cockspaniel had ransacked the garbage in the living room and I beat her ass for it. I am getting so frustrated. The dog refuses to eat its own food, stares at me when I eat, she is constantly scrounging for food but won't eat her own. All of it is my fault because I give her food now and then, but in the house I grew up we had dogs that ate their food and people food. Zelda, the cocker, refuses to eat hers now.

( WoW )

So we're 7/9 in Black Temple now, we took down RoS [ Sad, Glad, and Mad ] and Mother Shaz. RoS is easily on farm now, taking as little as two attempts to get her/him/it down. I am one of the two kickers, and I seriously suggest people get the addon Deaden Blocker for kicking. It does exactly what it says it does. It prevents you, the rogue/kicker/counter from seeing the caster bar for "Deaden". What this means is when it's your turn to kick, all you need to do is kick the casting bar without worrying if its the right one.

Mother Shaz is a shadow resist gear check, and the mats are obtained from doing Black Temple and Hyjal. It comes off as a "you must have raided this much to beat this boss" effect. All in all, she is simple with the gear, impossible ( or close to ) without it. It took us four attempts. Easy Tier 6 shoulders. Not for me. Fuck you druids.

This Sunday is primarily dedicated to the Illidari Council which is our current progression and stop cap. Let's see how we do.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Time Flies. ( Real Life )

I can't believe it's been a month since I have posted anything. That's what happens when your life is the same cycle day in, day out. I cannot believe I have been at my current job for about eight months now, it does not feel "anywhere" near that long.

My dad is getting a personal defibrillator put in his chest in a few days. It's a relatively small surgical endeavor, it requires tiny incisions and hooking some wires to his heart. Basically, if his heart starts to be at an odd pattern it shocks it back into a steady beat. It's the little brother of the pace maker.

My girlfriend is severely addicted to WoW now, to the point where she stays up literally all night, coming to bed at 7am sometimes, just playing. She is on a RP server, and I love/trust her, but my jealous nature sometimes makes me wonder if things are being done which I would not like to know about. I doubt it, but I've got a jealous/distrustful side to me. I wonder if she felt this way when I was up all night in the past?

Mom's birthday is coming up soon, or rather, it would if she had not passed away years ago. I don't like to think about it, even now it brings me to tears to remember back then.

My mom had MS for about 8-10 years before she passed. For a while my family was separated, it was my two sisters and myself staying in an apartment. For legal reasons we could not live with Dad, thank you Jessica. I'd come home from school now and then to find mom on the floor paralyzed from her MS, and after that I started skipping school to take care of her. Several months after that I was sent to a boy's home for skipping school. Funny, I do something to prevent my mom from getting severely hurt while alone and I get penalized by the state, the same state that made us move out from Dad's house where mom was safe.

She went downhill over the years, from walking normally to needing Canadian canes ( forearm crutches, braced at the wrist not armpit ) to being wheel chair able to being bed ridden. She died when I wasn't there, I spent years at home until I was 20 because I felt like the moment I moved out mom was die. Three months after I moved out of state to work my new job, she died.

It's been years, I forget how many, six or seven, and I miss her all the same. Her life sucked, she was in a foster home, was adopted, her family members commit suicide and then she was diagnosed with MS. All I can hope is that she was happier than I think she was.

I love you mom, and I miss you.